When you sign up to Hampshire Horsewatch we ask for some information about you. This statement explains how we look after that information and what we do with it.
We have a legal duty under the General Data Protection Regulations to prevent your information falling into the wrong hands. We must also ensure that the data we hold is accurate, adequate, relevant and not excessive.
Normally the only information we hold comes directly from you. Whenever we collect information from you, we will make it clear which information is required in order to provide you with the information and the events you want. You do not have to provide us with any additional information unless you choose to. We store your information securely on our computer system, we restrict access to those who have a need to know, and our officers are made aware of need to handle the information securely.
Most of our contact with you (apart from at displays) will be by email. We will pass your contact details to members of the Committee, so that they can let you know what activities are available.
You have the right to a copy of all the information we hold about you (apart from a very few things which we may be obliged to withhold because they concern other people as well as you). You may request to see it at any time. To obtain a copy, please contact the Membership Secretary by email at [email protected]. We aim to reply as promptly as we can and, in any case, within the legal maximum of 40 days.